
Successful projects show our long experience in the field

Turku Shipyard

turn-key deliveriesKohdeToteutus
Turn-key deliveries Engine Casings and funnelMeyer TurkuNB1400 - NB1401 Icon RCCL Engine casings and Funnell KT
Meyer TurkuEmergency generator room
Meyer TurkuAC-trunks MFZ 2,4,6
Meyer TurkuNB1396 - NB1397 Roller Coaster
Meyer TurkuNB1396 - NB1397 Roller Coaster Waiting Area
Meyer TurkuCosta and Carnival projektit NB-1394-NB1395-NB1396-NB1397
Meyer TurkuMein Schiff 1-2 (Scrubber system included)
Meyer TurkuTallink Shuttle , Gas
Meyer TurkuMein Schiff 6 Tui project (Scrubber system included)
Meyer TurkuMein Shiff 5 Tui project (scrubber syst included)
STX TurkuMein Schiff 3 Tui project, (Scrubber system included)
STX TurkuMein Schiff 4 Tui Project, (Scrubber system included)
STX TurkuViking Grace (Engine case modul construction)
STX TurkuAllure Of The Seas, (Retractable funnel construction)
STX TurkuOasis Of the Seas, (Retractable funnel construction)
STX TurkuIndependence Of the Seas
STX TurkuExplorer Of The Seas
STX TurkuFreedom Of The Seas
STX TurkuColor Line NB1351 and NB1355
Background Meyer TurkuCosta and Carnival projects, Medical center & Hospital. Camp Ocean & Bookville. Crew mess, Crew disco, outdoor areas. Technical & Crew deck area. Sun deck, Family restaurant and Kids club.
Meyer TurkuMein Schiff 2, Crew disco and Spa relaxation
Hotel StoresSTX TurkuOasis Of the Seas
STX TurkuAllure Of The Seas
Laundry areas & storesSTX TurkuIndependence Of the Seas
Engine room areas STX TurkuExplorer Of The Seas
STX TurkuMein Schiff 3 , (Bow thruster and Pump room)
STX TurkuMein Schiff 4, (Bow thruster and Pump room)
STX TurkuIndependence Of the Seas (Engine room workshop)
Explorer Of The Seas, (Engine room workshop)
Freedom Of The Seas, (Engine room workshop)
Engine room areas. Mechanical over all outfittingLST STXMein Shift 3,4,5,6,1,2 - Main Switchboard rooms and Substations
Meyer TurkuTallink Shuttle, main engine room areas
Some other Projects Meyer TurkuAll glass fiber "dummy" pipes and repairs


turn-key deliveriesKohdeToteutus
Engine Casings and funnelRMC RaumaMols project
STX RaumaMultipurpose vessel S.A. Agulhas II,the Ministry of Environment , South- Africa
STX RaumaP&O Ferries, 2 vessels. Spirit of Britain, Spirit of France
STX RaumaTallink Ferries, 5 vessels. M/S Romantika, M/S Victoria I, M7S Galaxy, M/S Superspeed I, M7S Baltic Queen.
Engine room areas STX RaumaPaper Cargo ship 2 vessels, (Fore Engine Room)
Engine room areas
mechanical over all outfitting
STX RaumaMultipurpose Vessel, Main engine room for Finnish Border Guard
STX RaumaP&O 2 Vessels, Main engine room aft and fore
STX RaumaTallink, Pump room
STX RaumaColor line, M/S Color Magic. Pump room


Turn-key deliveriesKohdeToteutus
Engine Casings and funnelArctech HelsinkiIcebreaker NB206-NB210
Arctech HelsinkiEngine rooms and engine casings
Arctech HelsinkiEngine rooms and engine casings
STX HelsinkiBrittanny Ferries
Engine room areas
mechanical over all outfitting
Arctech HelsinkiIcebreaker NB509, Main engine room and engine casing
Arctech HelsinkiIcebreaker NB 508, Main engine room
Arctech HelsinkiIcebreaker NB 506, Main engine room and engine casing
Arctech HelsinkiIcebreaker NB 507, Main engine room and engine casing
Wärtsilä DieselNordica Icebreaker, New engine casings and exchaust gas pipes with catalysator systems for off shore project.
Wärtsilä DieselFennica Icebreaker, New engine casings and exchaust gas pipes with catalysator systems for off shore project.

Various maintenance, repair and modification work of the ships during the voyage, in ports and in the dry docks.


Turn-key deliveriesKohdeToteutus
Engine room areas
mechanical over all outfitting
Uki WorkBoatEstonian Coastguard, Engine room areas
Uki WorkBoatLouhi Multipurpose oil and chemical spill response vessel, Engine room areas , Central hydraulic system

Turku Repair Yard in Naantali

Engine room areas
mechanical over all outfitting
Turku Repair YardContainer ship 7, Scrupper integration
Engine room areas
mechanical over all outfitting
Turku Repair YardErilaiset huolto-, korjaus- ja muutostyöt.


Work shop in Ihode
Prefabrication for our own Turn-key areas.
Prefabrication for other Turn-key companies
Pipes, pipe units, exhaust gas pipes, modules, pump units, steel constructions.
Fuel oil units etc. and modular systems for engine room areas.
Engine room areas
mechanical over all outfitting
Vessel conversions for all over the world​
Other Projects RCCLIndependence Of the Seas, Low Shulphur fuel oil system
Explorer of the Seas, system
STX / RCCLIndependence Of the Seas, Potable hot water pipes steel pipes to Gf pipes 4000m
RCCLIndependence Of the Seas, Pilot Scrubber System
RCCLOasis of the Seas, Telescopic funnel system and tail pipes 2019 in Cadiz
Finland and Overseas.Several projects of emergency repair for vessels